Training is a prerequisite of any successful implementation of, or migration to Microsoft Office 365. But the project plan, change management structure and even the ROI are often based solely on technical aspects such as cost of software, new features
L’intelligence artificielle fait aujourd’hui partie du quotidien sous de nombreux aspects. Comment peut-elle aider dans la formation ? On vous l’explique grâce à l’exemple de notre propre plateforme de formation aux outils Office 365 ! La formation aux applications Microsoft
IT teams and end-users tend to view new technology from very different perspectives. The IT team will be concerned with the mechanics of a rollout, with understanding user profiles and making sure a switchover happens smoothly, while the end users
Vous souhaitez opter pour de nouveaux outils technologiques dans votre entreprise. Comment assurer la réussite de votre projet ? Découvrez 9 astuces pour un déploiement réussi ! 1. Choisissez les bonnes personnes pour gérer le projet de déploiement 👨💻 Identifiez et
1. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PEOPLE FOR THE CHANGE MANAGEMENT BOARD Identify and recruit the right change agents to support the change process. Include an executive sponsor, the IT team, a project manager, the HR function, stakeholders from directly affected departments
« Everything would be fine if it wasn’t for end users » The focus of too many projects is in the wrong place. Excel spreadsheets cannot predict the success of an Office 365 rollout. The success of a project is down to