In this article, learn how Mandarine Academy can help you bridge the digital divide within your business. Computer illiteracy : an alarming phenomenon The France’s Electronic Communications, Postal and Print media distribution Regulatory Authority (ARCEP) has published its annual Digital Barometer. It measures the evolution of
Avec la crise sanitaire, l’Etat a décidé d’injecter 600 millions d’euros dans le plan de relance économique, spécifiquement pour les actions de formation sur le numérique. L’adaptation des compétences des individus est en effet destinée à renforcer la compétitivité de
C’est avec un terme suivant une tendance majeure dans les organisations, que les salariés vont devoir adapter leur mode de travail au quotidien. Selon le baromètre annuel du télétravail 2021* communiqué par le groupe Malakoff Humanis, le travail hybride serait
Many companies are investing colossal sums to undertake their digital transition. But many projects are doomed to failure. Less than 1 in 6 digital transformation initiatives are successful. This is explained by the fact that companies rely on tools and do not take into account the work
Teleworking represents any form of remote work conducted mostly via an internet connection. This new way of working allows employees to be more flexible in their schedules, to save time on their commuting or to better reconcile their personal and professional lives. However, when teleworking
As digital transformation accelerates within companies, the digital divide is growing between employees; The generalization of teleworking has reinforced this issue. In this article, you will find out how companies can play a role in the fight against computer illiteracy. Computer illiteracy Computer illiteracy, also known