Changing a habit rooted in your daily life is far from an easy task. Now imagine, with the use of teleworking, changing not only your organization but also your work habits. Disaster, right? Before the pandemic, few companies were used
In 2021, ransomware-related attacks have exploded. They have indeed increased by 150%. This concerns individuals but also companies. So how do you protect yourself from cyber threats? Protect yourself from risks Cyberattacks are evolving. It is therefore important to adapt
Since 2020, the health context has led the world to work remotely with all stakeholders. This has profoundly changed the way we work and the perception of our professional environment. Some companies have had to adopt teleworking even though they
Le Directeur des systèmes d’information, appelé DSI, est un allié essentiel pour transformer votre entreprise vers de nouveaux outils numériques. Son rôle principal est de faire le lien entre les technologies de la production (OT) et les technologies de l’information
Ces dernières années, depuis la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19, les entreprises ont connu de réels bouleversements et transformations. Certaines ont dû entamer leur transformation digitale, tandis que d’autres l’ont accélérée. Cette transformation digitale a notamment impliqué d’acquérir de
In partnership with LinkedIn, Microsoft recently published a study regarding hybrid work. The survey was conducted among the company’s 180,000 employees in more than 100 countries. According to this report, this new organization of work is intended to become the