
What makes your Office 365 adoption training different?

This is often the first question I’m asked when I start to talk to people about Mandarine Academy. In particular, what does your Mooc Office 365 offer over other learning platforms?

The truth is, businesses with limited resources will often be inclined to get their Office 365 training over with as soon as possible or take shortcuts by just sending employees a link with a bunch of pre-recorded videos to pick from. This may work in some cases but the reality is, more than ever, organisations need to provide a comprehensive approach to end user training.

Some companies now have four generations of employees all working together, and they all have different ways they like to learn and experience new technology. As a result, Office 365 training managers must be prepared to approach the end-user-adoption process with the following in mind:

Some of your employees will expect a teacher to be available at all times during their training to act as coach and trainer with preference for learning in small groups.

Some employees will seek self-paced learning but expect access to a social platform like Yammer where they can ask timely questions, receive relevant answers and learn from peers via chat and social discussion.

Some employees will want to focus all their attention on one particular workload like Skype for Business, Sharepoint or Onedrive. while others may opt for a guided learning path, tailored to their job role.

Some will seek recognition for completed training while others just want the freedom to access their learning on any device in different languages.

Whatever the case, a one size fits all approach to Office 365 training will risk leaving certain end users looking beyond their organisations for the right fit or worse, bombard their help desk support to solve everything.

If you are currently facing challenges with your Office 365 deployment or simply looking around at different training solutions, it’s important to seek a training provider that carries out an in depth analysis of your customer needs. They must be equally capable of providing a relevant, cost effective solution that will guide your users to become autonomous and self-sufficient in a way that is personalised to their needs.
If you are with Microsoft, a registered partner or an Office 365 Administrator looking to create training and adoption success for your customers, why not join us for our next live webinar on December 16 at 10am GMT where we’ll be presenting a talk on “What makes Mooc Office 365 Adoption different” and how to make different start working for you.


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(If you can’t attend, sign up and we’ll send you a free recording!)

Looking for direct support with your Office 365 adoption training? Contact us today.